Factory Method

Unforgettable Factory Registration

by Nir's blog 29 Apr 2018 (original link)

Using a factory is a common pattern when we are working with polymorphic objects. It exists to solve a very basic issue in C++: in order to construct something you must name its type. But the entire point of runtime polymorphism is often that we cannot name the type, because we won’t know it until runtime.

The most basic factory would just consist of some if statements coupled together:

unique_ptr<Animal> makeAnimal(const string& type, int number)
  if (type == "Dog") return make_unique<Dog>(number);
  if (type == "Cat") return make_unique<Cat>(number);
  throw runtime_error("Invalid type!")

This often isn’t a great solution. In particular, we keep having to update this central piece of code every time a new derived class gets written. Under the best of circumstances, this is merely irritating and code smell. However, in some cases it can be much worse. It’s common for a library to provide an interface and a few concrete classes deriving from it. If the library uses a factory somewhere that’s written like this, it will be impossible for the user to inject their own classes into the library.

Aside from very simple use cases, better factories tend to predicated on allowing classes to register themselves for construction by the factory; this allows library code to construct user classes that were written afterwards, and avoids the issue of a central function that needs to change with each new class. This is usually by done changing the logic of the factory from code—multiple ifs—into data, in particular an associative map. It usually looks something like this:

unordered_map<string, unique_ptr<Animal>(*)(int)> factory_map;
factory_map["Dog"] = Dog::make;
factory_map["Cat"] = Cat::make;
unique_ptr<Animal> makeAnimal(const string& type, int number)
  return factory_map.at(type)(number);


Using an associative map for this sort of thing is the way to go, but there’s still the whole issue of registration. It’s easier to forget to do, or do incorrectly. Overwhelmingly, I’ve seen macros used for this purpose; something along the lines of:

class Dog : public Animal {
REGISTER_CLASS(factory_map, Dog);

It has to be done manually for each derived class and it’s easy to forget. We’re going to look at how to automate this process, removing boilerplate and eliminating the possibility of mistakes.


Wouldn’t it be magical, if instead of worrying about macros, or some global dictionary, we instead could just push everything into a library? Users could just write code similar to this:

struct Animal : Factory<Animal, int> {
  virtual void makeNoise() = 0;

class Dog : public Animal::Registrar<Dog> {
  Dog(int x);
  void makeNoise() override;

auto x = Animal::make("Dog", 3);

No macros, no magic, no problems. The end user is just solving their problem. Does this seem to good to be true? Well, it’s not.

Solution Sketch

Let’s start by a sketch of some of the functionality that we want. Because this is all going to be automated, I’m going to opt to simply inject the factory interface directly into the base class using the Curiously Recurring Template Pattern (CRTP), instead of having it as a separate entity.

template <class Base, class... Args>
class Factory {
  template <class ... T>
  static unique_ptr<Base> make(const string &s, T&&... args) {
      return data().at(s)(forward<T>(args)...);

  friend Base;

  using FuncType = unique_ptr<Base> (*)(Args...);
  Factory() = default;

  static auto &data() {
    static unordered_map<string, FuncType> s;
    return s;

The factory is templated on the base class that it is both injecting interface into, and that it produces unique pointers to. The Args template parameter represent the arguments required to produce a derived instance from the factory. Note that we use the common CRTP trick of making the constructor private, and the template a friend to make it more difficult to misuse (class Foo : Factory<Bar, int> will not compile).

So far, so good. But we haven’t dealt with registration at all. So let’s take a stab at it. The two techniques to use are:

  1. CRTP to inject functionality into derived classes automatically.

  2. Use initialization of a static member to force code to be executed before main.

Let’s give this a shot then; we’ll declare a nested class inside Factory:

template <class Base, class... Args>
class Factory {
  template <class T>
  struct Registrar : Base {
    friend T;

    static bool registerT() {
      const auto name = T::name;
      Factory::data()[name] =
          [](Args... args) -> unique_ptr<Base> {
        return make_unique<T>(forward<Args>(args)...);
      return true;
    static bool registered;

    Registrar() = default;

// The really fun part
template <class Base, class... Args>
template <class T>
bool Factory<Base, Args...>::Registrar<T>::registered =
    Factory<Base, Args...>::Registrar<T>::registerT();

The intention here is that classes wishing to implement the Base interface will inherit from Registrar instead of from Base directly. This will instantiate the template, including the registered member, causing it to get initialized and causing the derived class to get registered. We assume (for now) that the derived class provides a static member name to indicate how it would like to be named in the factory.

One quick note from the above is the use of forward. This is not actual perfect forwarding because Args are fixed by the class and not deduced by the function. However it is still necessary so that value and rvalue reference types get forwarded correctly.

There’s just one little problem: 1) and 2) are not compatible with one another! The CRTP pattern involves templates, and unused members of class templates are not instantiated. This seems annoying but it’s quite useful in other contexts: it allows us to write class templates that may have only part of their members usable for certain parameters; for example a vector will not be copyable if its contained type is not copyable, which works because the copy constructor is not instantiated unless it’s used.

So, we need to make sure that registered gets used. But of course, we have to use it from some part of the class that is itself guaranteed to be used. What’s guaranteed to be used? Well, Registrar’s constructor will have to be instantiated, so let’s use that:

    Registrar() { (void)registered; }

Pretty strange looking, but this code will work. Before we get a feel for using it, we’re going to make some improvements.

Automatic name

One nice change would be to obviate the necessity of the derived member having a static name member. As it turns out, we can do this, at least if you’re not disabling RTTI. Based on the discussion here, we can write:

string demangle(const char *name) {

  int status = -4;

  unique_ptr<char, void (*)(void *)> res{
      abi::__cxa_demangle(name, NULL, NULL, &status), free};

  return (status == 0) ? res.get() : name;

We can then change registerT

    static bool registerT() {
      const auto name = demangle(typeid(T).name());
      Factory::data()[name] = [](Args... args) -> unique_ptr<Base> {
        return make_unique<T>(forward<Args>(args)...);
      return true;

As I’ve implemented it here, the name will include the namespace. Obviously that’s simple enough to remove if you don’t want it to include that.

Better safety

We’ve already employed the CRTP trick of making the constructor private and make the intended derived a friend, so that it’s impossible to accidentally template on something else when inheriting from the CRTP class. However, so far nothing is stopping users from inheriting directly from the base class, in which case no registration would occur. Preventing this with friendship is a bit tricky due to the various nested template classes, but we use a slightly different approach called the Passkey idiom.

We declare another nested class inside Factory, and slightly change the constructor of Registrar:

template <class T, class ... Args>
class Factory {
  template <class T>
  struct Registrar : Base {
    Registrar() : Base(Key{}) { (void)registered; }
  class Key {
    template <class T> friend struct Registrar;

The user base class will need to declare the constructor to take a Key, which in turn can only be created by Registrar. Thus, no class can derive without going through Registrar.


Finally, after building up that whole structure, we can see what user code looks like. Remember that we have potentially two distinct users: the first user may be a library that wants to declare an interface, instantiates objects fulfilling the interface through a factory, and wants to allow clients to inject their own classes. The second user is a client of said library, who wants to create their own implementations of the interface. Of course, they could also be the same person as well; just a single developer trying to cleanly separate concerns.

Our final code looks pretty well identical to our dream that discussed in the Goal section! The first piece of user code is the base class. That code could look like this:

struct Animal : Factory<Animal, int> {
  Animal(Key) {}
  virtual void makeNoise() = 0;
  virtual ~Animal() = default;

Every line of code here is actually expressing something relevant to their design, with the exception of line 2, which is a small price to pay to make sure that users of this base class don’t accidentally inherit directly, and then try to understand why their class isn’t registered.

Now let’s look at the next piece of user code, a derived class:

class Dog : public Animal::Registrar<Dog> {
  Dog(int x) : m_x(x) {}

  void makeNoise() override { cerr << "Dog: " << m_x << "\n"; }

  int m_x;

Every single line of code here implements some kind of functionality for the derived class; boilerplate here is at an absolute minimum. Beyond automatic registration, we also protect at compile time against a number of errors:

  • It’s not possible to have Dog inherit from Animal directly

  • It’s not possible to have Dog inherit from Registrar<Cat>.

  • It’s not possible to provide a constructor with an incompatible signature.

Finally, let’s take a look at a trivial bit of code that makes use of all this. Let’s assume that we have a Cat class as well defined by :s/Dog/Cat on our previous bit of code. Then we can write:

int main() {
  auto x = Animal::make("Dog", 3);
  auto y = Animal::make("Cat", 2);

Which prints out:

Dog: 3
Cat: 2

as you would expect. See a full copy of the working code here.

We’ve managed here to separate out much of the boilerplate that often goes with writing polymorphic code in C++, with a relatively small and simple amount of code. As we can see, the user code that defines the interface and various implementations can focus on the required logic, and get polymorphic construction for free.

Reference: Unforgettable Factory Registration

Last updated

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