Selection Sort
О(n^2) comparisons, О(n) swaps
naive implementation for sorting
Insertion Sort
О(n^2) comparisons and swaps
O(1) auxiliary space
can run online
Merge Sort
O(n log(n)) by divide and conquer
O(n) auxiliary space
stable; deterministic
Quick Sort
O(n log(n)) by divide and conquer; worst case O(n) though
O(1) auxiliary space; one of exchange sorts (cf. bubble sort)
unstable; randomized
hybrid sorting algorithm
derived from quicksort, heapsort, and insertion sort
hybrid sorting algorithm
derived from merge sort and insertion sort
Distribution Sort
O(n+m) non-comparative sorting algorithms: radix sort, bucket sort, digital sort, pigeonhole sort
it avoids comparison by creating and distributing elements into buckets according to their radix
the lower bound for comparative sorting algorithm is O(n log(n)); in certain cases, non-comparative sorting can do better, e.g., O(n)
Topological Sort
for directed acyclic graph (DAG)
output a linear ordering of its vertices
Tree Sort
builds a binary search tree from the elements to be sorted, and then traverses the tree (in-order) so that the elements come out in sorted order.
Its typical use is sorting elements online: after each insertion, the set of elements seen so far is available in sorted order.
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