error: if condition proceeds with a bool variable that is false
fake_indices_ = false; // member variable initialized somewhere else
bool MultiviewGICP::initCompute() {
std::cout << "fake_indices_ = " << fake_indices_ << std::endl;
// this prints 0, and confirms that fake_indices_ was indeed initialized as false
if (fake_indices_) {
std::cout << "we are getting here." << std::endl;
// the weird thing is that this line of code gets printed out,
// meaning that we reached this code block, suppressing the if condition
// the root cause of this problem was the missing of the return statement below,
// which is required of this function.
// Without it, program proceeds with whatever code being compiled in the memory.
return true;
// if you put directly "if (false)", the above code block will not be executed,
// since they may be optimized out during compilation.
error: variable or field declared void
// for example it happens in this case
void initializeJSP(unknownType Experiment);
// another example (due to the missing 'typename' keyword)
template <typename PointT>
void func(pcl::PointCloud<PointT>::Ptr& cloud) {} // error
void func(typename pcl::PointCloud<PointT>::Ptr& cloud) {} // correct