Abstract Data Type (ADT)
A mathematical model for data types:
How to store dataWhat query to support? (lookup, findMin, findSum, …)
What update to support? (insertion, deletion, filter, multi_insert, delete_min, …)
Algorithms for the operations
Examples of ADT
FIFO Queue
Deque (double-ended queue)
Priority queue
Ordered set/map
Unordered set/map
Winning Tree
An implementation of priority queue
Easy to implement, same bound as binary heap
Can also be used as a static version of search tree
Similar concepts
Also Winner Tree, Tournament Tree
Segment Tree (w/o insert, delete operations).
Fenwick tree or binary indexed tree (only used to efficiently calculate prefix sums)
Use case (as priority queue)
Huffman coding: need
Dijkstra's algorithm and Prim's algorithm:
store all elements at the leaves (N nodes)
each internal node is a competition (N-1 nodes)
insertion, deletion, update operations at O(log n) time; the bound is tight
can also use an array to store it
two children of A[i]: A[2i] and A[2i+1] (start from 1 can make it easier, but can also start from 0)
a complete binary tree
a good alternative to binary heap
same asymptotical bound for insertion/deletion/update/extract_min
easy to implement
takes more space, and is slightly slower in practice
when combining with augmentation, can be used to implement almost all data structures
TheAlgorithms/C-Plus-Plus: medium quality C++ code, but comprehensive
Algorithm-DataStructures: high quality C++ code (and a few in other languages)
Augmented trees
Range-related queries: 1D range max/min/sum
Extract-Min is a special range query (on the entire range)
We can augment the winning tree according to designated tasks
store different field for different query
often augment multiple fields at the same time
If we pre-sort all elements or the key range is fixed (e.g., entire range)
winning tree can be used as a static search tree
For floating-point range query, we can discretize it and map it to integers
Example Code: Greedy & Winner Tree (code to be improved)
Last updated
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